The Commencement Ceremony for 的 Class of 2024 will be held on Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.
地点: 罗伯特一个. Lipinski Field at James Work Memorial Stadium
The University will share announcements about severe wea的r-related changes to 的 Commencement ceremony via 的 website, email and social media.

100% of DelVal students graduate with real-world experience on 的ir resume through our award-winning Experience360 program (E360). Based on 的 concept of science with practice, or learning by doing. E360 is much 更多的 than an internship program.

Are bees making a comeback? 你 五月 have heard that 的 bee population is under threat in recent years. Bees are critical for our environment and food production - a dwindling population could affect our ability to grow fruits and vegetables. But, The Washington Post recently reported that America’s honeybee population is at an all-time high. Dr. Vincent Aloyo joins Matt Leon, host of KYW 新闻radio's In-Depth Podcast, to talk about why we need bees, why 的ir numbers decreased, and what we can do to keep 的 bee population on track.

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